How To Treat Hemorrhoids At Home - 2 Effective Tips That Will Make Your Piles Gone!

Piles can be the bane of your existence if they are particularly bad. Typically they can cause you pain or bleeding whenever you pass a bowel movement. In extreme cases, internal piles can prolapse or hang out of the anus to such an extent that they can't be put back into the rectum without some kind of surgical procedure. Ultimately you don't want to ever get into a situation like this so how can you avoid piles ? This article will discuss how to avoid piles.

The most common cause of piles is constipation. Pregnant women are prone to constipation due to the hormonal changes in her body. If you have hemorrhoids before you got pregnant, your condition will certainly be worsened. When you are constipated, you strain a lot when passing a stool making the veins in your anal region swollen. Improper care after bowel movement can cause it to irritate and inflame and it can even be ruptured.

Try to change your toilet habits too. Limit the amount of time you spend there as struggling and prolonged straining isn't helpful. Try to raise your knees by resting your feet on a small chair so that passing a stool becomes easier. Aggressive wiping should also be avoided and replaced by gentle blotting using cotton wool soaked in witch hazel.

Besides, there are promising reports that these natural products contain active components that may actually heal you of your piles once and for all. Some of them may at least get more info prevent piles from developing if you are already at risk or starting to have symptoms.

After a person has crushed the mango seeds into a powdery form, then a person can start consuming this concoction twice a day. A person should take 1.5 to 2 milligrams of this powdery substance twice a day. It is a good idea to mix the substance with a spoonful of honey, in order to make it easier to consume.

Mix one teaspoon of clarified butter with one teaspoon of ground sesame seed. Also add one teaspoon of ground sugar candy. Take this mixture at least two times in a period of 24 hours.

Another cure for piles is called bipolar coagulation. This is a painless treatment and what happens is that it coagulates mucous found in the affected area through electrotherapy. If this does not work, your other option is Hemorrhoidal Arterial Ligation on HAL. This is a popular cure for piles. How this is done is through a needle and a thread. The ultimate result is to tie the hemorrhoid that swelled and lessen the pain.

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